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 Minutes of the Meeting of the Welney Parish Council

held in the Parish Hall, Welney




            Cllr.K.Goodger (Chairman) Cllrs.E.Allen,  T.Bennett, M. Brown, S. Dobson, C.Freer, V. Pratley and the Clerk.  . 

1.  Apologies for absence

            Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. S.Kerr and G.Tomkins, and also from Dist.Cllrs. D. Pope and  C.Cllr.H. Humphrey 

2.  Declarations of Interest

            None at this stage of the meeting 

3.  Minutes of the last meeting

            The minutes of the meeting held on 7th July, 2009, having been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of that meeting. 

4.  Matters Arising

1.  Local Government Reorganisation – The meeting arranged at King’s Lynn for 15th July  was postponed because the Court of Appeal passed judgement in a Judicial Review brought by three district authorities in Suffolk regarding the reorganisation of local government. The judgement passed doubt on the Boundary Committee being able to provide the advice to the Secretary of State regarding the Suffolk review by 15th July.  Although the delay had not been confirmed the Borough Council were unclear as to the impact as to the impact on the Norfolk Review and felt it highly likely that the Boundary Committee would also delay providing advice for the Norfolk review.  Despite requests no confirmation had been received from the Boundary Committee and it was decided to postpone the meeting on 15th July.  Nothing further has been heard as yet. 

2.  Community Speed Watch – The Clerk confirmed that so far six volunteers had confirmed their interest in being part of the Speed Watch Scheme for Welney.  As a minimum number of eight are required, it was decided to see if there was any response from the Notice in the Welney News, and consider the matter again at the next meeting.. 

3.      Field to the North of Chestnut Avenue (Sandgate Corner)  Following the last meeting

Cllr.Bennett had prepared an Article for the Welney News.  The Clerk confirmed that she had visited the website of the National Society for Allotment and Leisure Gardeners and obtained details for creating a new allotment site, Basic Rules and Regulations (including recommended sizes and rentals and also what buildings can be erected) and also a copy of a Model Tenancy Agreement.  It was agreed to circulate the website information to all councillors so that they could read the information for themselves.  The Clerk further confirmed that she now had 10 residents who would be very interested in hiring an allotment. An e-mail received from Mr. Henry at the Borough Council was circulated to all councillors.  He had asked a colleague to draw up some Draft Heads of Terms for the possible hiring of the field, but at the time of the meeting nothing further had been heard.  Hopefully this will be available for the meeting in September..

4.  Cutlery – Cllr.Dobson produced a sample of cutlery which was available to the Parish Council (at no cost) and after a brief discussion it was agreed that this would be most suitable for the new Community Centre.  A letter of thanks would be sent to the residents who had very kindly made the offer. 


5. Public Participation

            There was no Public Participation. 

6.First time Sewage Scheme

            Following the last meeting the Clerk confirmed that an e-mail had been sent to Stephen

            Burrows of Anglian Water with regard to questions raised about connecting properties to the new Sewage Scheme.  A copy of his reply had been circulated to all Councillors and a notice had appeared in the Welney News.  The Clerk also reported a call from a resident regarding the Water Hydrant in New Road which had been damaged.  Following a call to Mr.Burrows this had now been repaired. 

            The Chairman also reported that the Lagoons are now full, the aerators are in place and the fencing is being erected.  It was also agreed to ask Mr.Burrows if the Parish Council could have a site visit of the new systems once the wok is completed. 

            A Planning Application had been received from Norfolk County Council submitted by Anglian Water, asking for a variation of Condition 5.  This related to odour monitoring at the Lagoons and the Planning permission stated that this should be done every three months.  Anglian Water felt that this was unnecessary. Following a brief discussion it was unanimously agreed that a reply should be sent stating that the Parish Council feel that monitoring should take place for at least 12-24 months as per the terms of the planning permission, and that the matter could be reconsidered again after that period. 

7.  Finance

            The following accounts had been received for payment and on the proposition of Cllr.Brown seconded by Cllr.Allen and agreed, the cheques were signed:


            Ms.P.Copeman – Clerks Expenses

            Ink Cartridges                                                  38 . 50

            Postage                                                                          5 , 85

            Telephone                                                        17 . 60                         61 . 95


            Welney Croft Cricket Club

            Half years grass cutting at Playing Field                                                          362 . 50


            The following bills had been paid by Direct Debit

            E-On – Monthly street lighting charge – 13.7.09                                              59 . 81

            Mrs.P.Copeman – Clerks Salary 1.8.09                                                           255 . 68


            The following monies had been received and paid to the bank

Upwell Health Centre – Half years rental for Surgery                          125 . 00


Cllr.Brown then presented the Council with a cheque for £166.13 from Mr.M.Jones.

This represented the balance of the Youth Club account,(run by his late wife) and Mr.Jones had asked that it be paid to the Parish Council.  After a brief discussion it was agreed to add this to the Playground Equipment Fund so that once the New Community Centre was built and the playground equipment installed, there would be a lasting memorial to Julie.  A letter of thanks would be sent to Mr.Jones. .


8.  Parish Hall

            The electricity meters were checked but there were no monies.. 

            The Clerk confirmed that she had a meeting on 9th July with Julia Heywood the Food Safety Officer of the Borough Council who wished to inspect the Kitchen at the Parish Hall.  One or two points were found which needed attention and these will be dealt with.  She left a copy of her report and has put on record that we are hoping to build a new Community Centre and she will of course be along to inspect the Kitchen facilities when the work is completed. 

            Purchase of the Hall Site – An e-mail from the Solicitor for the Environment Agency was circulated to all councillors, but no further information was received from him before the meeting.  The Chairman confirmed that he had received the Documents for Signature before a Solicitor/Commissioner for Oaths, and he was making arrangements to do this as soon as possible. 

9. Proposed New Community Centre

Following the last meeting, Mr.Briscoe of Peter Humphrey Limited had supplied amended plans of the layout for the proposed New Community Centre, together with an amended price.  Copies had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting, and there was a discussion on the plans supplied.  Councillors. would like clarification on one or two points and further slight amendements as follows:

Possibility of having a window in the Kitchen

Assume there will be satisfactory ventilation to the showers and toilets.

The room called a Kitchen Store is not required, and it was agreed to ask if the door from the Kitchen could be blocked off and door put through to Changing Room 2 so that the room in question could be used as a Sports Store. 

Finally councillors wondered if the Kitchen and Store Room could be changed around – although the room sizes would need to remain the same.

A letter would be sent to Mr.Briscoe, and if he is able to accommodate these alterations in the plans, then a further meeting would be arranged with him to agree the exterior of the building. Once this is agreed then instructions can be given to submit the necessary Planning Application. 

10.  Playing Field

The Clerk confirmed that the gents toilet window at the Pavilion had been boarded up and the window to the shower room had been repaired.  A query was raised regarding people walking dogs on the Playing Field, and it was agreed to look into obtaining suitable notices to be put up at the Field, informing residents that dogs were not allowed.. 

11.  Correspondence

1.      CPRE – Autumn Supper and Talk Wednesday 23rd September Snettisham Memorial Hall ‘Are the Bees telling us something?’

2.      Norfolk County Council – e-mail regarding Car Sharing – Details at

3.      CPRE – Campaign Bulletin July 2009 – Green Buildings in Norfolk Open Days

4.      Norfolk Playing Fields Association – Annual Reports & confirmation of membership

5.      Norfolk Association of Village Halls – West Norfolk District – Nominations required for Executive member for West Norfolk

6.      Littlethorpe of Leicester – Prices and Details of Quality Hardwood Bus Shelters

7.      Downham Market Area Local Action Group – Minutes of meeting – Next meeting on 14th August, 2009

8.      Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk – Water Cycle Study Exhibition.

9.      Norfolk Playing Fields Association – 2 copies of Newsletter & Brochures for play equipment etc.

10.  Wash Estuary Strategy Group – Wash Week 1st to 9th August.

11.  Cambridgeshire ACRE – Details of new grant scheme that has become available for farmers, small businesses, tourism operators and organisations providing basic services which reside within certain parishes of Cambridgeshire and West Norfolk Fens.

12.  BCKLWN – Funding Opportunities – July and August 2009 –Children and Young People Funders.

13.  Norfolk County Council – Welney Bus Service – (Copy attached for information.

14.  Norfolk Association of Local Councils – Green Buildings in Norfolk Open Day 10th to 13th September

15.  BCKLWN – Council meetings Agenda and Minutes



12.  Plans and Planning Matters

            Nothing to report. 

13.  Highway Matters

Following receipt of the letter from the Police dated 25th June regarding access across Wash Road when the road is flooded and the issuing of fixed penalty notices, nothing further has been heard.  A reminder has been sent to Superintendent Nick Davison and it is hoped to have a reply shortly


The Chairman reported on his site meeting with Mr.Edmunds of Highways as follows

1.  The problem outside Fish Tales, New Road, has been sorted. 

2.  The question of signage around Sandgate Corner was discussed but Highways are of the opinion that there is sufficient signage at this point.

3.  Mr.Edmunds confirmed that any potholes should be reported to Highways immediately and they will be dealt with straightaway.  Highways have a policy of inspecting the roads in the area, once every three weeks.

4.  Signs showing the Speed of traffic travelling in both directions had been installed in Main Street although Council were concerned that the one showing traffic travelling towards Wisbech does not appear to be working.

5.  The hedge at Rutland Corner, Tipps End is very overgrown again and Mr.Edmunds confirmed that they are trying to speak to the owner in the hope of getting the hedge taken out completely.

6.  The signs for Wash Flooded are still causing concerns and Mr.Edmunds confirmed that he would be taking this matter up with Mr.John Eastgate.


It was also confirmed to the meeting that the Police had attended in the Village on Monday 3rd August          carrying out checks on speeding vehicles.


.The following points would be reported to Highways:

1.  Sandgate Corner Footpath – The footpath does not appear to have been sprayed or cut back and it was agreed to ask Highways how many times a year they are supposed to be doing this work and indeed when it would be done.

2.  Cllr.Dobson advised the meeting that the School would very much like to put a small sign on the verge to indicate the exact location of the School.  The School will pay for the sign but they would like to know if they require planning permission to erect it, and the correct way to go about it.


14.  Environmental Issues.

            Nothing to report.


14a Meeting Reports.

            Cllr.Bennett advised the meeting that he had attended the last meeting of the Southern Area Road Safety Committee in July.  He confirmed that there was doubt as to whether the Southern Area would be able to continue as the Northern Area had already ceased operation and the Central Area were struggling.  He advised that there wee 8 or 9 persons present at the meeting and he had reported the problems and questions on the Wash Road at Welney.


15.  Items for Next Agenda




There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting

closed at 8.35 p.m.



Signed ……K.Goodger.......(Chairman)                     



Dated ……1st September, 2009




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