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 Minutes of the Meeting of the Welney Parish Council

held in the Parish Hall, Welney

on Tuesday 13th January, 2009 at 7.30 p.m.



Cllr.K.Goodger (Chairman)  Cllrs E.Allen, T.Bennett, M. Brown, S. Dobson, C. Freer,  S.Kerr, V.Pratley and  the Clerk.   Also present: C.Cllr.H.Humphrey


1.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Dist.Cllr.D.Pope


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first  meeting of 2009, and wished all a Happy New Year


2.  Declaration of Interest

Cllr. M.Brown declared an interest in the first paragraph of Plans and Planning Matters

Cllr.C.Freer & Cllr.S.Dobson declared an interest in the application relating to William Marshall

School under Plans and Planning Matters.


.3.  Minutes

The minutes of the Meeting held on the 2nd December, 2008, having been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting

Cllr.Bennett did point out that whilst the name of the representative from the Environment

Agency was correctly reported as Mr.Rob Bradford, his name was actually Mr.Rob Bakewell


4.  Matters Arising.

1.   Post Office Services for Welney

     The Clerk reported that nothing further had been heard  from the Post Office regarding their

     proposals for the Welney Service.  Mr. Craddock did say that they would take sometime to

     reach their decision and Council would be advised as soon as anything further was heard.


2.   Consideration of Annual Fund Raising Event

     As nothing had been heard from anyone following the recent article in the Welney News

     Cllr.Bennett agreed to put a further article in the next edition in the hope of receiving some



3.   Local Government Re-organisation.

     A letter had been received from the Borough Council dated 10th December confirming that

     they had amended the date of the next meeting to be held at King’s Lynn to 17th February

2009 and a copy had been forwarded to all councillors.  Cllrs.Goodger, Bennett, and Brown expressed a wish to attend the meeting and the Clerk would forward the details.


4.   Freedom of Information - New Model Scheme

     The Clerk had forwarded a copy of the New Model Publication Scheme to all councillors

     together with a copy of the Scheme pages for completion. Following brief consideration

it was proposed by Cllr.Dobson, seconded by Cllr.Kerr and unanimously agreed that the scheme should be formally adopted.  (The Clerk and Councillors completed the information for the scheme pages at the end of the meeting, and all the paperwork will be displayed on the Parish Council website in due course.)


5.   Declaration of Interest Forms

All Councillors were supplied with a new copy of the Declaration of Interest Forms for completion.


6.   Provision of Litter Bins in the Village

the Clerk confirmed having spoken to the gentleman at the Borough Council to confirm that we have one little bin which will need to be emptied.  She also confirmed that we did not need any further bins at present (which will cost £50.00 per year)  The Borough Council will be keeping in touch at regular intervals to see if we wish to have any more bins in the future.


7.   Foolhardy Folk Circus

     As requested at the last meeting a letter has been sent off asking if they would include

     Welney in their programme for 2009


8.   Meadow Lane

Cllr.Bennett confirmed to the meeting that planning notices relating to the County Council Order to make Meadow Lane into a restricted byroad will be displayed at either end of the Lane in due course, inviting comments and observations.  A notice to this effect will also

appear in the London Gazette and the Eastern Daily Press.   When the Order is confirmed, a finger post will appear at the School End of the Lane and a Waymark post at the Bedford Bank end.


5.  Public Participation

The Chairman asked Cllr.Humphrey if there was any further information relating to the Wash Road, and Cllr.Humphrey confirmed that as far as the County Council are concerned there is nothing else they can do with regard to this.  The Chairman raised the question of digital telemetry on site giving information regarding the amount of water on the road and it was

confirmed that this is being looked into.


6.  First Time Sewage for Welney

Following the Open Meeting at the Parish Hall on 4th December, an e-mail was received from Stephen Burrows of Anglian Water, advising that one of their employees had fallen down the steps at the hall and had to have time off work.  Because of the fact that she was off work the matter had to be reported to HSE but nothing further had been heard..


Following the meeting, Anglian Water are now applying to Highways for road closure periods for both villages and a copy of the dates was forwarded to Councillors.  These are provisional and require approval.  Every effort will be made to minimise disruption to local schools/school bus routes and they will be liaising with the Head Teacher.  He has also asked for comments from local farmers/businesses in the immediate vicinity of the villages and they will try and accommodate local farms/businesses where practicable.  As with all premises within a closure section, the site team will maintain access.  From the new year onwards, he will be operating from site and has given us his mobile number. After discussion it was agreed to seek clarification from Mr.Burrows that residents will be able to travel through the village when the roads are closed, particularly Main Street, in order to gain access to the School and the Parish Hall, and the Lamb and Flag, without having to do a very large detour.  Council assume that the closure will apply mainly to through traffic and not to locals.  It was also agreed to confirm that notices will be displayed showing local business are open for business as usual.  As soon as the official closure dates are confirmed, everyone would be advised.  It was also agreed that there should be liaison with the Clerk or at least one of the Councillors for up to date information on the ground during the duration of the works,


Confirmation had also been received of the planning permission for the temporary parking area in the field adjacent to Chestnut Avenue, for the residents, whilst the Vacuum pumping station is being constructed.  Full details are given under the planning section.


7.  Meeting Reports

Cllr.Bennett confirmed that he had attended the meeting of the Southern Area Road Safety Committee held on 4th December, 2008.  He confirmed that in future these meetings will be held quarterly rather than every six weeks,.


8.  Finance.

The following accounts have been received for payment.:


Parish Council       Mrs.P. Aisthorpe

                Request for the Annual Grant for the upkeep of the Churchyard.

                After consideration it was proposed by Cllr.Brown, seconded by Cllr.Kerr and

                agreed that a grant of £200.00 should be made.

                (Cheque No.100008)                              200 . 00


                Mrs.P.Copeman (cheque No.100009)

                Salary                          255 . 68

                Postage                            7 . 26

                Telephone                    10 . 50       273 . 44


                Direct Debit – E-On 7.1.09

                Electricity to Pavilion                              57 . 31


                Direct Debit – E-On 13.1.09

                Electricity for Street Lighting                      59 . 81


Parish Hall          Anglian Water (cheque No 100415)

                Water Supply 24.6.08 to 11.12.08                     26 . 70


                Fenland Fire Appliance Company (Cheque No.1004116)

                Servicing and Repairs to Fire Extinguishers                88 . 83


                Direct Debit 7.1.09

                Electricity to Parish hall                      126 . 27


On the proposition of Cllr.Allen, seconded by Cllr.Freer and agreed the cheques for Mrs.Copeman., Anglian Water and Fenland Fire Appliance Company were signed.


Annual Precept - 2009/10

Councillors had been supplied with a breakdown of the figures for the current year, with balances to 31.12.08 and estimated expenditure to the 31.3.09 a copy of which is attached to these minutes. Last year the precept was for £8,000. Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr.Allen, seconded by Cllr.Dobson that the precept should be increased by £250.00 to £8,250.00  An amendement from Clllr.Brown proposed an increase of £200 but as no seconder was forthcoming the amendement was defeated and Council voted in favour of the increase to £8,250.00  The Chairman confirmed that he would prepare a report for the Welney News explaining Councillors decision regarding the Precept figure.


9.  Parish Hall

1. The electricity meters were checked and emptied before the start of the meeting ad the sum of £34.00 was removed.


     2.  Still nothing has been heard from the Environment Agency regarding the purchase of the     

Hall site despite a letter confirming that the Chairman would be prepared to sign a declaration relating to the site.  Several e-mails and letters have been sent asking for an update and we are still waiting to hear.


Cllr.Dobson raised the matter of the state of the interior of the Parish  Hall and how it was in need of a coat of paint.  She suggested a possible paint party to make the premises more user friendly for the time being.  Councillors agreed to see if it was possible to obtain some paint or what they might have left in their own paint stores, and then discuss the matter again at the next meeting.


10. Proposed New Community Centre

Nothing at all has been heard from Mr.Tuttle of Norfolk Prohelp despite several reminders

and Council agreed to move matters forward without his help.


It was agreed at the last meeting that Councillors would try and provide the names and

addresses of  Architects who we could write to and aks if they would be interested in

quoting to prepare the plans for the new Community Centre and do everything required

to take the matter to planning application stage. Cllr.Bennett provided the name of Thaxters    

Wooden Buildings and also photographs which they had supplied of a Village Hall they are

In the process of building.  The Chairman also provided the names of Timberville, Peter

Humphrey Associates and Mr.Graham Seaton, and the Clerk would draft a letter for approval

which could be sent to these companies and any others whose details were supplied.


11.  Playing Field

Everything seems to be running fairly smoothly at the pavilion at the present

     time.  The usual bookings from the Carpet Bowls and Yoga ceased during the

     Christmas period, but will hopefully pick up again in the New Year.


     Following the letter from Mr. Harrison at The Willows, regarding the conifer

trees on the boundary of the playing field, the Clerk confirmed that she had  written to Mr. Harrison and explained that we were quite willing to arrange a meeting on site with the gentleman recommended by Mr. Loveday, but explained also that the problems with the trees

on his boundary with The Sands were a private matter.  Mr. Harrison had acknowledge Council’s letter and enclosed a copy of a letter that he had written to Mr.& Mrs Carter.


     Despite writing to Mr. Loveday, no reply had been received from him so it has not been

     possible to arrange a site meeting with regard to the conifer trees.


12.  Correspondence

     1.   Communities and Local Government  17.12.08 Communities in Control

     Real people, real power: Code of recommended practice on local authority publicity

     A consultation.  Views invited on the content of the Code of recommended practice        and observations must be received by 12th March, 2009.

     2.  The Fenland Road Safety Campaign.  Copy of Year End News 2009.

     3.   Downham Market Police Station - Safer Neighbourhoods and Community

     Action Group - Introductory letter and posters (I have put one in the Notice Board)

     and details of meetings arranged for 2009.

     4.   Leaflet detailed GP Services and how they are improving in this area. (Cllr.Brown)

     5.   Fieldwork December 2008.  Magazine of the Campaign to Protect Rural

     England. (Cllr.Bernnett)

     6.   Norfolk Association of Local Councils - Norfolk Link December 2008

     7.   Norfolk Association of Local Councils Business Plan 2009, 2010, and 2011

     (Copy enclosed for information)

     8.   Downham Market Area Local Action Group - Minutes of meeting held

     on 12th December - Next meeting 9th January at Fire Station Downham Market

     9.   Christopher Fraser MP 16.12.08  Enclosing copy of a letter from the

     Norfolk County Council regarding speed limits through villages past schools.

     A copy had been circulated to Councillors for information.  Cllr.Humphrey confirmed that this

     matter was bening tried as a pilot scheme in the area, and if successful it could be rolled out

     on a wider basis.

     10.  Wash Estuary Strategy Group - Autumn 2008  The tide and times of the Wash. (Cllr.Bennett)

     11.  Fens LeAP Leader+ Programme 2002 - 2008 -  Details of achievements.

     12.  Norfolk County Council 17.12.08  Review of the East of England Plan to

     2031.Update of the situation,.

     13.  Tourism Department of the Borough Council - e-mail dated 12.12.08

     Asking for details of any planned village events for 2009.

     14.  Norfolk Police - e-mail dated 16.12.08  With details of Anti-Social

     Behaviour Crackdown in Downham Market.

     15.  Norfolk Police Authority - 16.12.08 Open Meeting NPA Budget 2009/10

     Thursday 29th January, 2009, Jubilee House, Wymondham  Details of anyone

     wishing to attend to be submitted ASAP

     16.  Norfolk Matters - Newsletter of the NCC -Winter 2008.  I have 8 copies of

     the booklet which I will bring along to the meeting for those who are interested

     in reading it.

17.            NARC – Consultation Service – Details of new service being offered by the County

Association on Line.

18.            Norfolk Rural Community Council – Economic and Social Effects of the Credit Crunch

Meeting arranged for 29.1.09 at Yaxham Village Hall at 7 p.m.

19.            East Cambs District Council 8.1.09 Extension to Site allocation Boundary change

Representations requested.

20.  NALC Power of Promotion of Economic Social and Environmental Well Being- Details.  This is more relevant to those parishes who have acquired Quality Status.


13.  Plans and Planning Matters .

     Cllr.M Brown confirmed an interest in the following item:

Ref No. 08/02606/.F

Retention of Managers Accommodation at Pisces Country Park, Bedford Bank, Welney

As you will remember I circulated this amongst councillors.  Cllr.Brown declared an interest in this application.  I did not receive any comments against the application from anyone and I therefore returned the form recommending approval dated 16th December, 2008.


The following planning permissions have been received:


Ref No. 08/02415/F

Mr.C.Haycock - Alteration and extension to dwelling at School House, Suspension Bridge, Welney.

Permission granted dated 8th December subject to compliance with the following conditions

1.   The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three

     years from the date of the permission

2.   The proposed development shall be constructed and implemented in accordance

     with the Flood Risk Assessment received by the Local Planning Authority on

     21st October 2008 with regard to Flood Risk Mitigation

3.   No development or other operations shall commence on site until the existing trees

     and or hedgerows to be retained have been protected in accordance with a scheme

     that is to BS 5837:2005 and has been submitted to and approved in writing by the

     local planning authority. the scheme shall provide for the erection of fending

     for the protection of any retained tree or hedge before any equipment, machinery or         materials are brought onto the site for the purp;oses of development or other            operations.  the fencing shall be retained in tact for the full duration of the



Ref No. 08/02386/F

Anglian Water Services - Proposed temporary vehicle access and 6 parking spaces for residents of Chestnut Avenue, Welney for the period of the contract for the construction of a vacuum  pumping station (12 month period starting 1st January 2009 at Land North of 33 Chestnut Avenue, Welney.,

Permission grated dated 22nd December, 2009 subject to compliance with the following condition:

1.   This permission shall expire on 1st January, 2010 and unless on or before that date

     application is made for an extension of the period of permission, and such

     application is approved:

     a.  the use of the land shall be discontinued, and

     b.  there shall be carried out any work necessary to reinstate the application site

     to is condition prior to the implementation of this temporary permission.


     Cllr. C Freer and Cllr.S.Dobson confirmed an interest in the following item.

The following planning application had been received for consideration, from Norfolk County Council

Proposed Development by the County Council William Marshall CE VC Primary School. Main Street, Welney.  Moving an existing oil tank therefore enabling an accessible toilet extension to be built just of the existing entrance lobby,

Dated 15th December.2008

Following discussion and consideration of the plans provided, it was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council should recommend this application for approval.


14.  Highway Matters.

Following the last meeting an e-mail had been sent to Highways with regard to the problem on Delph Bridge and Martin Edmunds rang to say they will be carrying out repairs to the Bridge and to the entrance to Bedford Bank near the Parish hall where there is a dangerous break up of the edge of the roadway,


Mr.Edmunds also confirmed that Highways will be doing some patching of holes on the Lamb and Flag car park as a PR gesture and to help make the car park more useable.  They have agreed this with the landlord/tenant .


Contact had also been made with Highways regarding the sticks/posts which have been installed at the bungalow at Tipps End.  Highways confirmed that they had written to the owner asking that they be removed immediately and the meeting was advised that the posts have now been removed.


Cllr.Bennett confirmed that he has been cleaning some of the reflector posts on Wisbech Road, and he was thanked for carrying out this work. 


The meeting was advised that the Old Fridge and other items of rubbish had still not been removed and it was agreed that these were possibly on land belong to the Environment Agency.  Contact would be made with them to ask for the offending items to be removed.


Cllr.Bennett then gave a brief report on the meeting which had taken place between

some councillors and representatives of the Environment Agency on 15th December, 2008

The meeting had proved very productive and the question of the data telemetry for the water depths was something they were going to look into.  Whilst discussing levels at that meeting, it had come to light that the trigger point when the EA tell Highways that the water is off the road had been altered, and this was causing a large time different between the water being off and Highways being  advised to remove the signs.  When a meeting is arranged with Highways it was agreed that clarification is needed relating to those persons who drive into the water when the gates are shut stating that the Road is closed.  The telemetry would give much needed information about the amount of water (if any) on the road.,  It was also agreed that the Floodline Number is extremely useful for up to date information about the water levels.  This is something which should be displayed on the bridge and it was also agreed that this number and how to access the information should form an article for inclusion in the Welney News.  Cllr.Brown agreed to deal with this.


15.  Environmental Issues.

     The Chairman reported that the Croft River through the Village has been rather low over the past few days.  This was because of a blockage at Tipps End.  This should be cleared very shortly and the River should then be back to normal.


16.  W.A.S.H. Committee

The next open date is Saturday 14th February from 10 a.m, to 1 p.m. and the committee would be holding a meeting towards the end of the month to finalise details.  A suitable notice would be included in the Welney News.


17.   Parish Action Plan.

     The burning of the documents/barbeque would be held in abeyance until the weather



18.  Items for next Agenda

     Nothing from Councillors, but the meeting was reminded that Mandy Driver from the Borough

     Council would be attending to give us a ten minute presentation on the e-consultation scheme.,


There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed at 9.10 p.m. 


Signed… …K. Goodger………………………………… (Chairman.)       


Dated ……3rd  February, 2009………………………….


Interim Income and Expenditure Account

For Welney Parish Council as at 31st December, 2008


     Opening Balance                                   737 . 43

     Precept from Borough Council                                         8,000 . 00

     Recycling Credits - Borough Council                            37 . 70

     Welney Cricket Club - Hire of Playing Field                       140 . 00

     Barclays Bank - Deposit Interest                               25 . 91


                                                           8,941 . 04



     Refund of VAT to Parish Hall                               198 . 31

     Subscription - C.P.R.E.                    28 . 00

                       N.C.A.P.T.C.                  116 . 69

                N.R.C.C.             15 . 00

                Norfolk Playing Fields          15 . 00                 174 . 69

     Emptying dog Waste Bins                                137 . 09

     Clerks Salary                                                     2,301 . 12

     Postage and Telephone & General Office Expenses

     including toner cartridges for photocopier                        423 . 53

     Public Lighting & Maintenance                                         1,004 . 68

     Zurich Insurance                                     938 . 22

     Grass Cutting on Playing Field                             725 . 00

     Audit Fee                                       158 . 62

     Playing Field expenses:

                Lighting             179 . 15

                Moles                210 . 00

                Water                  54 . 91

                Fire Extinguisheers          44 . 36       488 . 42


                                                         6,549 . 68

     The above figures include the sum of £165.36 V.A.T. which will be reclaimed before

the end of the financial year, together with any VAT paid to 31.3.09, and will

be paid back into the account.


Estimated Expenditure to 31.3.09

     Electricity Maintenance                              313 . 65

     Electricity Lighting                                               179 . 43

     Clerks Salary                                                      767 . 04

     Expenses (estimated)                                                 90 . 00

     Grants  estimated                                                           200 . 00

     Emptying Dog bins (estimated)                                     50 . 00

     Lighting and Water for Pavilion (estimated)                       70 . 00

     Environment Agency - Rent for hall site

     (currently in abeyance waiting purchase)                   168 . 00


                                                                1,838 . 12


     Total Income    (including brought forward figure)                 8,941 . 04

     Plus Bank Interest to end of March (estimated)                   5 . 00

                                                        8,946 . 04                                     


     Expenditure to 31.12.07              6,549 . 68

     Estimated Expenditure to 31.3.08                 1,838 . 12             8,387 . 80


     Estimated Balance at end of year                                      558 . 24


There has been a slight increase in the Electricity charges and maintenance charges during the current year, but the maintenance charges should be held at the current rate for a further two years.  There has been no salary increase for the Clerk this year, because no figures were agreed with the National Office but I have details of an increase which will take effect from the 1st of April, 2009 if agreed.  Currently I am paid on Spine 17 which is £8.429 for 7 hours per week.  Spine 17 is increased to £8.635 per hour - an increase of 21p per hour - £1.45 per week.

 Welney Archive and Social History Committee

The Wash funds stand at £484.03 but are not included in the above figures as they are not accessed for Precept purposes.  There has been no income or expenditure from the WASH monies during the current year.  However if there are any expenses involved with the Open Day on 7th February these will be deducted and the final balance shown in the end of year accounts as at 31.3.09

 No figures are included for the Parish Hall Accounts and the Stepsaver Account for the Playing Field equipment which do not have any effect on the Parish Council working account for which the Precept is needed.  The Playing Field account is now part of the Parish Council working account.

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